Friday, November 8, 2013

The Monologue, Miniature.


here i am,
writing around a place where people wouldn't be
or you wouldn't see.

since we got closer,
I did more harm than good to you.

you are great,
and would be better without me.

all those misunderstand
all these fun on the end
were just a warming memoirs by then.

as the time passes by
i just counting the times that fly.

my only hope are
the dua'a keeps coming and never die...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

sekadar singgah di tahun baru.


Assalamualaikum, segala puji bagi Allah, selawat dan salam kepada Rasulullah.

maaf, sangat lama sejak kemunculan entri Orang Kelainan Upaya.

banyak benda nak coret namun masa membatasi segalanya.

insya Allah lain kali jua.

cuma nak beritahu, aku masih hidup dan masih seorang hambaNya.

Wassalam, moga ketemu lain masa. ^^